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Universal Spiritual War.

Writer: Pim AnsinkPim Ansink

En daar zitten we nu middenin. Alles is energie en binnen dat speelveld is veel niet te zien voor het menselijk oog. Mensen werkend voor het licht, Source of de Bron (GOD). Bewustwording kent vele lagen die in voelen, meditatie of via je 3de oog te ervaren is. Mijn dank is groot en hulde aan al die ons in de afgelopen jaren bewuster hebben gemaakt in wie we zijn en waar we al die eeuwen in gezeten hebben. THE Matrix, de lage trilling van dualiteit, oorlog, hebzucht en meer! Sla een krant open, kijk een Hollywood film of onze TV en je weet precies wat ik bedoel. Het is allemaal zo opgezet om ons verweg te houden van wie we echt zijn als mens. It's Time to play a NEW GAME. BéYourself, Love Yourself first. Feel THE energy and Connect with Source. 4th of July 2019 is a New chapter. It's like going back in Time 1776 -Independence DAY!! I Love all. A New World is coming. Let's Dance en verhoog je trilling waar liefde aan de basis staat en die jij vanaf vandaag omarmt en nooit meer los laat. Thanks to all, Spirits, Earthlings, Patriots of THE Word, Earth Alliance, Wise Elders, LightWARRIORS, Lightworkers, Healers, Angels, Mother Earth, Guides, QTeam, QPatriots, All Fake Faces, Storytellers, The Galactic Federation of Light, YOU (if you feel or know iT or not) and many more... Open your Heart, wees lief voor elkaar. We are THE ONES we were waiting for. FREEDOM for mother Earth & Humanity. Smile THE Universe is watching You. We are with millions. We are here to HELP. We know this day would come. You are amazing. We Love You.... Love is Universal, Love has no Labels. Love is Love... You are everything. Open your Heart iT is THE KEY to Paradise. 💚💜❤️💙💛🙏🏼☀️

by Rafaela Renzulli


-Beloved Sisters and Brothers on the light-filled path! ...I AM VERY EXITED TO SHARE WITH YOU BELOVED ❤️ONES WHAT I experienced last night-"when my body went to sleep" -I in my Higher Self Consciousness-it truly was-the most astonishing event-since ever...after a truly long "deeply challenging" - time...! I was in a totally clear state of mind and consciousness...absolutely CLEAR...I had the incredible chance-to observe A HUGE BATTLE in the skies...I felt completely sure and 100%-conscious-while I realized-that there was something great happening to free our beloved once and for all-from all residues-of a millennia old karma... I was in a house-which I had never seen before-and looked towards the sky - which was overfilled-with uncountable space-ships-firing towards each other- I knew directly- "THE LIGHT VERSED THE DARK "-in an incredible speed... I could clearly see the many different lights of the different shots of the sophisticated weapons-and-the sky looked like in fire "red-yellow" due to the many explosions. I saw some ships of the dark-forces-which already had crashed towards the ground-leaving deep craters in the ground-while most of the others were cleared by the Light-Forces in the sky...-there was almost no damage for the population!...

I could observe-that all of a sudden-ALL dark fleets were gone (-I think-they were disintegreated-) and as I saw-that the Light-Forces were ABSOLUTELY WINNING ON ALL LEVELS and clearing ALL EVILNESS-in an incredible and very effective speed! heart begun to feel exited and very joyful ! ...In a last desperate move-I saw (-as the ground was very flat...I think this scenario was about 1,5-km.from were I was...or even less...) - that the dark forces opened some capacity in the ground-and many "robot looking entities gold-silver...shining (may be these were armatures of some high developed battle-creatures...?) begun floating in incredible speed-like a fluid...towards the surface-there were truly many of these "robot-looking things"""...BUT in a VERY SHORT TIME-they were all cleared miraculously-fast by the Light Forces-as it was the most simple thing to do!

... - All of a sudden it was very quiet-very peaceful...and the sun begun to rise...the air still looked smoky-but the skies were becoming light-blue due to the yellow sun. Then I could observe-how many Light-silver space ships flew to to many different places towards the ground -and one little space ship-which measured about 4,5 m. landed directly in front of the house-from where-were I observed the whole scenario...

My old Soul-Brother and his beloved little Son-who saw all of this incredible event felt to scary to go outside-so I went kind of a trustful-but still a bit "careful" way-... Out of this little silver shining space-ship floated smoothly a little "silver ball of 1,5 m.diameter...and transmuted joyful-into the sweetest "dog-looking entity-almost the high of myself ""-who gave me the deepest joy in my heart and begun to play with me... I knew-that the Light Forces contacted me-first-through a dog-looking creature-(with the capacity to transform his appearance steady-and also to send me the feeling of deep happiness and Love....) -as they knew-how much I adore animals-and most of all-dogs and dolphins-so that-I could feel deeply secure,trustful and love-filled in my heart and Soul... I told to my new beloved beautiful friend (-who had the same beautiful red-golden fur-as "once"-my beloved dog "Mumulina-Mumila" had...but just even much more shining and more soft,long and more wonderful...)

...:"So my beloved new finally happened... WE ALL MADE IT...- WE FINALLY ARE FREE...🌟☀️❤️☀️🌟!!!" I took my beloved wonderful new Friend in my arms...who also had arms,which embraced me in the most tender way... and while we hugged each other I felt deeply thankful-happy and overfilled with HUGE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE TOWARDS ALL...❤️- and I thought to myself... THANK YOU SO DEEPLY MUCH -BELOVED DIVINE UNITED LIGHT-FORCES ! 🌟🌟🌟VICTORY OF THE ❤️LIGHT 🌟🌟🌟☀️O💎M☀️🌟🌟🌟 !!!



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