Stephan Brooks, Costa Rica
Gepubliceerd op 6 jun. 2017
Meet Stephen Brooks, the botanical explorer obsessed with finding plants that make life better. In 1995, he watched a playground full of indigenous children get sprayed by a Chiquita banana crop duster. Ever since then, his life has never been the same. Stephen is on a mission to redesign where our food comes from, how it affects the people that grow it, and ultimately the planet. At 21 years old, he started the Punta Mona Center: an education center to demonstrate ecological solutions on an off the grid organic farm in Costa Rica. He teaches people about the philosophy of permaculture and planted tens of thousands of useful plants to create a genetic bank to spread globally. He drove a bus powered by recycled veggie oil from California to Costa Rica… twice… to demonstrate alternatives to fossil fuels. He co-founded Envision Festival: a transformational experience to awaken our human potential, and co-founded La Ecovilla: an ecological community with 44 families from 28 countries. Stephen is currently available, along with his team, to help manifest your ecological dreams in creating the next food paradigm of food production and a whole new way to design the future of our villages and towns! “Things are the way they are, but they don’t need to be this way any longer.” Together let’s redesign a future that benefits all life and the planet we share.
To learn more, go to:
Rob Greenfield is an adventurer, activist, and humanitarian for a sustainable and just world. He donates 100% of his media income to grassroots nonprofits. His YouTube channel is a source for all things sustainable living, off the grid, simple living, zero waste, tiny house, grow your own food, cycling, and green. Want Rob to bring you more inspirational videos like this? Make a monthly contribution of as little as $2/ month and help change the world one inspirational story at a time!
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