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Consciousness. (Eng)

Writer: Pim AnsinkPim Ansink

Mystery of our existance.


The biggest mystery of our existence is our own existence…

Who are we, where do we come from, where do we go when we die, what is our true nature?

When you pay attention everything is revealed to us, always has been.When we look at things around us we see them as solid matter but really it’s waves of energy and this energy represents many different outcomes of reality. The physical world as we see it is not reality, reality is infinite and true reality has no beginning and no end, it does not exist in space and time, space and time exists with in it…

And this is consciousness...

Our existence and the existence of everything we see is dependent on your perception. Your consciousness is your experiences, thoughts, emotions etc. it governs your universe. This will be your identity. We see everything separate from us and that is just an illusion.

We are all one consciousness simultaneously observing and being observed. We are not a drop of water in the ocean, we are the entire ocean in that drop . Your Consciousness is your AWARENESS of what’s being revealed to you every single day. When you raise your vibration, you raise your consciousness/awareness meaning you start seeing things for what they really are...this is what’s happening to the human race right now. The veil is being lifted, we are breaking through the heavy programming we have been under our entire existence.

Our 3-D consciousness is starting to bleed through to the higher 4th and 5th densities. The awakening of our consciousness, the activation of our DNA is what’s causing the human being to become our multidimensional self, the hybrid human we eventually will become. Now you can see what organized religion, societal programming, the poisoning of our air, food, water and vaccinations ect. are really being used for, it’s all to keep our consciousness at a very low vibration, keeping our awareness at a dull resonance so we are soooo easily controlled.

This is why our planet is in such chaos right now, we are literally in the fight between the Light and the Dark, this is a spiritual war, a frequency war and no doubt about it the Light will win.

Do you feel it? I do.

Beloved Ones.

I Speak To You From My Heart Always!

I Felt This Was Important To Teach. There Has Always Been The Assumption That The Soul Is Injured In Some Way.

Or You Hear Of 'The Dark Night Of The Soul.'

Beloved Ones, Your Soul Is Perfect.

It Is The Sacred Essence Of Prime Creator.

It Is Power And Pure Love. This Is Who You Are!

All Perceived Brokenness Is Only Thoughts In The Mind Or An Injured Brain.

In The Story Of You Or The Multiple Waking Dreams You Have, You Always Have Trials As Well As Times Of Feeling Peace And Wholeness.

Remember That Feelings Come And Go.

Nothing That Comes And Goes Is Real Or Lasting.

Ask Yourself What You Know For Sure Lasts And You Will Find The Truth That Only Love Lasts.

This Is All That Is Real. This Is You.

Your Soul Is Love And You Never End.

Each Story Created By The Soul Will Project A Personality Chosen For A Limited Time.

All Actors Are Flawed And Play Their Roles As Planned.

Some Arrive To Explore While Others Choose To Repeat A Theme.

Some Souls Choose To Reverse Roles With A Soul Group Member To Play A Part To Deeply Understand What Another Has Felt.

The Most Sacred Moments For Souls Is Looking At Another Soul And Perceiving The Self.

For In Truth There Is Only ONE.

We Are All Projections Of This Sacred Creator.

As Souls With A Higher Self Or God Connection, We Have Creative Power.

We Live Multiple Realities And Return To Our Whole Soul As Aspects Integrate Back To The One.

So This Was Important To Tell You Again That The Soul Is Never Flawed Or Injured. Love Can Never Be Changed.

You Are Sacred Love!

You Are A Beautiful Soul!

I Love You So! #kabamur

Psycho Spiritual Walfare,

I Speak To You From My Heart Always!

I Fel This Was Important To Teach. There Has Always Been The Assumption That The Soul Is Injured In Some Way.

Or You Hear Of 'The Dark Night Of The Soul.'

Beloved Ones, Your Soul Is Perfect.

It Is The Sacred Essence Of Prime Creator.

It Is Power And Pure Love. This Is Who You Are!

All Perceived Brokenness Is Only Thoughts In The Mind Or An Injured Brain.

In The Story Of You Or The Multiple Waking Dreams You Have, You Always Have Trials As Well As Times Of Feeling Peace And Wholeness.

Remember That Feelings Come And Go.

Nothing That Comes And Goes Is Real Or Lasting.

Ask Yourself What You Know For Sure Lasts And You Will Find The Truth That Only Love Lasts.

This Is All That Is Real. This Is You.

Your Soul Is Love And You Never End.

Each Story Created By The Soul Will Project A Personality Chosen For A Limited Time.

All Actors Are Flawed And Play Their Roles As Planned.

Some Arrive To Explore While Others Choose To Repeat A Theme.

Some Souls Choose To Reverse Roles With A Soul Group Member To Play A Part To Deeply Understand What Another Has Felt.

The Most Sacred Moments For Souls Is Looking At Another Soul And Perceiving The Self.

For In Truth There Is Only ONE.

We Are All Projections Of This Sacred Creator.

As Souls With A Higher Self Or God Connection, We Have Creative Power.

We Live Multiple Realities And Return To Our Whole Soul As Aspects Integrate Back To The One.

So This Was Important To Tell You Again That The Soul Is Never Flawed Or Injured. Love Can Never Be Changed.

You Are Sacred Love!

You Are A Beautiful Soul!

I Love You So! #kabamur


the biggest cover up in human history...


The religious institutions have been set up by the same people that set up your financial institutions, government institutions, educational institutions.

It's all lies!

Religion can never reform mankind cause religion is slavery.

Only the truth can prepare us for the lie that's coming.

Remember, those who control the past control the future.

But, mankind is going thru a massive Awakening and the truth is surfacing and being revealed and only those that can see thru the illusion and all the lies will have an easy time with what's coming.

Those that are fighting it and still holding onto the false reality and beliefs thru the programming that has been forced down our throats by a deceptive society will have a hell of a shock and will be thrown into a mental fork in the road.

I believe some will flow with it and some will not.

It's time to open your minds to a whole new reality because our world is not what you think it is!

The Old Testament.

The Old Testament is about the island of Atlantis and the Book of Revelations was written to warn us if we didn’t learn from the Old Testament (Atlantis) we’re going to experience the same fate as them.


Familiar times?

The Old Testament was written by our ancient ancestors...

I believe the Pleiadians being one of those races.

In the Bible the Pleiadians are depicted as the Doves.

Again, The Old Testament was about the island of Atlantis.

Then the Roman Empire came along and manipulated the Old Testament into what it is today


Hence, the New Testament.

What’s being preached today in these temples of deception (churches) is all manipulation to control the human race.

We were supposed to become a very highly spiritual compassionate race but we got hijacked by a very negative predator race who manipulated our DNA which cuts us off from our true inter dimensional abilities.

They inserted reptilian DNA in our species hence, the fight or flight mechanism and the predator trait we have today.

This was NOT the original plan for our species.

This human Awakening that’s happening all over the planet is mankind waking up to this knowledge.

It’s our time to fight this incredibly destructive agenda that we’ve been put in and we do that by speaking up and spreading this knowledge.

Remember, Silence is Consent!

When you look around the world and see what they’re doing to humanity and our beautiful planet you’re turning a blind eye to your children and grandchildren’s future.

What I’m saying is we’re running out of time.

To Lightworkers.

To Light Workers + Spiritual Seekers:

When this battle is won, and it will be, all will reflect on what they did to fight the darkness.

Did you put your head in the sand and ignore all negativity + evil that exists around you?

Or did you become the Light that eradicates it?

There is a problem darker than some feel comfortable acknowledging.

The world is run by sadists + pedophiles. Death cults agnostic of label.

They are embedded in every cornerstone of your society.

This is the great secret hidden for thousands of yearsThey are the smiling face on late-night tv.

The politician who pretends to care about you. So many are being played.

You have to look beyond the surface to see the truth.

Let go of perceptions of personality or ego.

Nothing is as it seems.


We are moving to the Golden Age of the New Earth. We are not alone in the Universe as we share DNA with hundreds of thousands of species throughout our Universe. Things on Earth are moving faster and faster towards completion. More and more people are waking up to the outlandish lies on the ground. Many are not telling the story like it is and that has to do with the Cabal and the 13 families fighting over the planet. They do not have the highest knowledge and Hillary Clinton knows she will be indicted. There’s a war going on between the 13 families using reverse technologies and they will be revealed and will not be able to hide what they’ve been doing. They will have to give up control, we are just about at the end of duality here on Earth. Just like the Dark having spies, the Light also has spies that have infiltrated the Dark factions here on Earth. They have access to the plans of the Dark and they use that information to counter the actions of the 13 families and Cabal. Some of these are extraterrestrials in government. Humanity needs to break free from the programming, programming has drained your mind and emotions to react in a certain way. So many are triggered by core fear programs which are so detrimental. We manage the planetary crisis by raising our consciousness... Social media is a great tool because it shows they can no longer control us, their secret is out. Together we will bring a Divine Galactic Government to Earth which is a stipulation in Disclosure. Divine government means we recognize ourselves as Galactic citizens. There will be no more Draco royalty, no Vatican royalty we are sovereign beings on this planet we all need to know we have that power. We have made the old plan of the New World Order obsolete through social media. We must acknowledge our Human to Galactic status and our connection to extraterrestrials engaging the human race. We must start working with the Earth grid, ley lines and energy portals. This strengthens the Earth by dissolving the Dark Earth energies. We must start taking control of healing our physical bodies, cosmic Ascension means dealing with all the pain and fear, terror and loss we must forgive our past and detach from the old stories. The past is the past it’s gone...Long ago we fell into density, our shadow side, that’s our past, let it go. As we raise our consciousness, as our DNA activates we forgive our past, there is no duality, no karma. We overcome psychic warfare, demonic forces and mind control. We recognize that we need to change our force towards wisdom and decrease ignorance and study truth. Connecting with your higher self diverts anger and depression that causes harm. Learn to self counsel... We need to restore our balance. Each time you close yourself off from the highest energy you fall back. It is your job to keep the window open. Develop the positive mind. When you understand yourself it’s much easier to understand another. Sometimes things are very simple until ego confuses the situation hence, know yourself. Your understanding yourself is key and maintaining confidence is very valuable. Clear the blocks and purify your instincts. Remember, your Ascension is completed when you have no more questions.

info bron FB by Teri Heaser Wade



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