Metatron’s Cube is a Sacred Geometrical symbol that forms a map of Creation, and it is this ‘map’ that the mystics, sages and ancient civilizations have revered throughout the ages of time.
The 13 spheres of Metatron’s Cube represent the ‘Feminine’ whilst the straight lines represent the ‘Masculine’. Thus Metatron’s Cube represents the weaving together of the Male & Female polarities to create the ONENESS field of the infinite ALL.
The 13 Spheres of Metatron’s Cube hold within them the wisdoms of the 13 Sacred Keys of Creation; the Sacred and Divine Universal Laws of the Intelligent Field that hold the principles of evolution and the pathways to enlightenment.
As a Soul having a human experience here on Earth, when we embrace the wisdoms of the 13 Sacred Keys from the inside-out we transcend the painful ‘story’ that our ego paints and we have the courage to live our life from a place of authentic truth.
Your Soul is a fractal of the infinite field of all Creation… and as the infinite field is woven together by the 13 Sacred Keys, then these 13 Sacred Keys are within you, and express themselves through you.